Progress steps

A widget for showing progress of the user on a funnel with multiple steps
The input should be between 0 and 100. It will be bound as such if you go over or under.
Post a contest
Award an entry
Rate the entries you receive and leave comments for improvement on your favorites. When you find an entry you love, award it to own it legally.
Provide feedback
Current Step:
import type { OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
import { ButtonColor } from '@freelancer/ui/button';
import { InputType } from '@freelancer/ui/input';
import { ProgressOrientation, ProgressSize } from '@freelancer/ui/progress-bar';
import { required } from '@freelancer/ui/validators';
import type { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { of } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

  selector: 'fl-progress-steps-vertical-orientation-story',
  template: `
    <fl-card class="Card">
          stepTitle="Post a contest"
        <fl-progress-step-item stepTitle="Award an entry">
            <ng-container *ngIf="showContent$ | flAsync; else loading">
              Rate the entries you receive and leave comments for improvement on
              your favorites. When you find an entry you love, award it to own
              it legally.
        <fl-progress-step-item stepTitle="Handover">
            Complete the Contest Handover to own Jane D.'s entry legally.
        <fl-progress-step-item stepTitle="Provide feedback">
            Share your work experience with Jane D. by providing feedback.
        <fl-text>Current Step:</fl-text>
          placeholder="Change current step"

    <ng-template #loading>
  styleUrls: ['./vertical-orientation.story.scss'],
export class ProgressStepsVerticalOrientationStoryComponent implements OnInit {
  ButtonColor = ButtonColor;
  InputType = InputType;
  ProgressSize = ProgressSize;
  ProgressOrientation = ProgressOrientation;

  control = new FormControl(2, {
    nonNullable: true,
    validators: required('This is required'),

  showContent$: Observable<boolean>;

  ngOnInit(): void {
    // Delays content display to demonstrate dynamic or partial data
    this.showContent$ = of(false).pipe(
      // FIXME: T267853 - find a way to re-enable that as it breaks the screenshot tests
      // delay(2000),
      map(() => true),
@use "settings/settings" as *;

.Card {
  max-width: 300px;
label : string
alwaysShowItemsContent ?: boolean = false
backgroundColor ?: ProgressStepsBackgroundColor = ProgressStepsBackgroundColor.DEFAULT
currentStep ?: number = 1
mobileLargeIndicator ?: boolean = false
orientation ?: ProgressOrientation = ProgressOrientation.HORIZONTAL
skippedSteps ?: readonly number[]
List of steps that are skipped
startStep ?: number = 1
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